The EECS Undergraduate Student Lounge, Room 36-113, is a space meant for EECS undergraduate students to meet, socialize, study and hang out. The space includes two reservable conference rooms available for small student groups (up to 8 each) to meet for project planning, etc.
Please note these basic rules for Room 36-113:
- Be courteous to others while using the rooms.
- Keep the rooms clean. Pick up after yourself.
- Use the rooms calendar if you need to reserve one of the two undergraduate conference rooms, which are limited to groups of three to eight people.
A second student lounge for all EECS Students is located in 38-201. This lounge, which was renovated in the spring of 2017, is available for studying, group use, and relaxation.
Access to both rooms is via your MIT ID card. If you’re a Course 6 undergraduate or MEng student and can’t access the lounges, please email the EECS Undergraduate Office.