EECS students, or even just students interested in EECS, have the opportunity to participate in a large number of student groups both within and outside of the department. Many of these groups host events for any interested students, not just members!

    Departmental Groups

    • Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) is the national honor society for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with chapters across the world. The HKN chapter at MIT offers services to enhance the Course 6 community: these include the resume book, tutoring service, underground guide, and social events.
    • The MIT IEEE/ACM Club represents the student branch for two professional international organizations, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Their mission is to create and support a tight-knit community among the students and faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at MIT. IEEE/ACM includes subcommittees such as Women in EECS and the MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference.

    If you are interested in starting a new student group within the department, please get in touch with the EECS Undergraduate Office.


    USAGE is the Undergraduate Student Advisory Group in EECS. USAGE meets weekly with departmental leadership to discuss issues relevant to the department, ranging from the undergraduate curriculum, to various Departmental initiatives, to issues of diversity and inclusion, to how MIT-wide plans will affect EECS undergraduates.

    USAGE members are selected by the EECS Undergraduate Office. If you are interested in joining USAGE, please look out for a call for interest at the start of each semester or email us at to express your interest.

    Find current USAGE membership here.